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How a business mobile application can help small / medium business

How a business mobile application can help small / medium business

How A Business Mobile Application Can Help Small / Medium Business?

You have a business? There is an app for that!

The business don’t even realize that what are they missing. Regardless of the size of business  even for small business specially local businesses. 

It start with a question what is a mobile application?

In today’s age and era almost everyone owns a smart phone, even a newly purchased smart phone comes with a bunch of applications which preinstalled in your phone 

For example

  • Simple Messaging App to send messages
  • App Store / Google Play to download more apps
  • Weather Application to check latest weather
As they say there is an app for everything!

Are the business apps, No! So what is business application?

This question has length of an ocean, depending on what is your business. If you own a retail store an eCommerce app is a business app for you. If you own a real estate business then a classified app in a business app for you. If you in a construction business a simple informative app will act like a offline website for you. So name your business and we will tell you what kind of app can be suitable for your business.

Do I need an App for my Business? Yes you do!

We have seen people who use to say we don’t even need a website not they owns a complete solution and it is working great for them. Still if you think your answer is No then you might need time to think about it or contact us.

We have developed a small questionnaire for you, so if following appeal you then you should considering getting an app for your business:

  1. How would you live making your business 24/7 available to your client?
  2. This is a no brainer, every business want to be approachable to their clients through out the day. Don’t you?

  3. Can you create an interactive / fun but yet productive experience around your brand?
  4. We know it’s not an easy decision at this stage but don’t say a big No just yet. It could be anything from selling product to providing services. There is always a solution which creates a combination of fun and social activity to creates a platform

  5. Considering what explained so far, mobile app in any benefit to your business?
  6. I’ll be surprised if your answer in negative. However it is not easy to judge before hand, benefits of a mobile app could be hard to analyze. As we mentioned earlier that if you can create an activity or rewarding campaign with upcoming new mobile app then it will benefit in short run. Alternatively same like any other medium your customers take time to get familiar with your app. This is interesting part, once they do get to know your app and start using it. It’s like having your business offline in palm of every individual who owns a smart phone and oh man there is a lot of smart phone out there!

A simple fact about smart phone owners and mobile apps

A research shows that on average every smart phone owner has 25-30 Apps installed. Isn’t that mean you have to compete with those other installed apps so your user pay attention to your app. So what it’s better than competing millions of business online or offline. Aren’t they?


An app is more than just a fancy tool for any business. You can make your business app to serve whatever you wish. You can run marketing campaigns, it can be interactive and attractive to make the users keep coming back. It’s simple and easy to allow client’s and consumers to contact the business whenever and where ever they are!

Our favorite: An app is always in smart phone of your user and even they browsing to do anything they pass by your app and put your name out there, even if it’s just in the back of their head! What you think?